Learning under Lyn is a transformative experience. Her knowledge of plant medicine and the ancestral traditions of the Philippines is boundless, reflecting years of dedicated study and deep spiritual connection. Lyn's mastery of her craft is matched by her humility and unwavering commitment to serving her community. Her mission to protect the earth and teach others to become responsible stewards of the land is embodied in Halamanism—a practice she has beautifully defined as the reclaiming and revitalization of Philippine plant medicine, rooted in animistic traditions, to heal ourselves, our ancestors, our communities, and our planet.
Although Lyn comes from a lineage of respected shamans and healers, she embraces a non-hierarchical approach, empowering all to access the sacred on their own terms. She has an extraordinary ability to hold space for the complex emotions that surface as her students confront ancestral grief, offering compassion and guidance throughout the journey. Lyn’s energy and teaching style draw people from all walks of life, creating an environment where everyone feels seen, supported, and valued. She and her family have become like family to me and many others who are fortunate enough to learn from her.