Cultural School
Virgil M. Apostol
Virgil Mayor Apostol descends from maternal and paternal bloodlines of healers, and has dedicated himself to the research, development, and promotion of his ancestral traditions. He is the founder of Kaïlūkuän Combat and Healing Arts, author of Way of the Ancient Healer: Sacred Teachings from the Philippine Ancestral Traditions (North Atlantic Books, 2010), and co-author of Healing Hands of Hilot (1997). He is currently working on a book on Northern Luzon escrima.
As an avid researcher of both the martial and healing traditions of his Iluko and Pangasinan ancestry. Apostol has written several articles, spoken at various universities, and has conducted workshops and healing sessions in Canada, Mexico, Europe, and across the US. He has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Bachelor in Metaphysical Science. He is also a certified Holistic Health Practitioner and has received the honorable title “Open Eye Master” from the founder of the School of Pyramids’ International Circle of Masters.
Janelle Corpuz Hethcoat
Janelle Corpuz Hethcoat is a Master Sound Healer, Energy Healer, and the creator/author of Akashic Sound and Multidimensional Healing. Her Iluko grandmothers believed that she was enchanted with spirits, especially after she mysteriously disappeared as a newborn, only to be found some hours later underneath her crib. They began to groom her by enthralling her with indigenous folktales, the ways of nature spirits, and knowledge from their bloodline of family healers.
As Janelle delved deeper into esoteric and metaphysical studies, her natural gifts in clairvoyancy and clairaudiency increased. In 2019, Janelle, along with business partners Antoinette and Trisha, opened Jupiter Soundscape, a community-funded healing space in the heart of her hometown in Walnut, CA. In an effort to fortify her Iluko roots, Janelle, along with Virgil M. Apostol ignited the concept and vision of the Kaïlūkuän school in 2020.
Kaïlūkuän Combat and Healing Arts (KCHA) was founded with the objective of preserving and propagating the combat and healing traditions from Northern Luzon, particularly of the Kailukuan (Ilocano) region and diaspora. This includes their sciences, spiritual practices, and hands-on application.
KCHA, along with its storefront, is located in Walnut, CA. The school consists of daily classes in the Kailukuan 5-level/11-sublevel system of combat and healing that includes 1) Didya Mudgara Warrior Club Calisthenics, 2) Didya ’Kabarwanan (Northern Luzon escrima), 3) Ablon Manual Medicine (known as Hilot in other regions), as well as specialty immersive workshops with experts and guest teachers from around the world. They also house the first of its kind shop for exotic plants and plant medicine, and indigenous-inspired products. For more information, go to
Spiritual Story Teller
Sapphire Sandalo

Sapphire Sandalo is the creator and host of Stories With Sapphire, a podcast where she shares her personal exploration of paranormal phenomena and Filipino spirituality, through stories, interviews, and poems. She was connected with Lyn while looking for guests for her show, and fell in love with Herbalaria's mission. She keeps a bottle of HA on her desk at home so her breaks can be extra soothing, which is even more necessary now during quarantine. Sapphire is proud to be part of such an amazing and healing community!

Power In Purpose
Rose Buado & Jennifer Redondo-Marquez
In Her Purpose (IHP) is more than just a book, it's the foundation. Rose Buado and Jennifer Redondo-Marquez are lifting the content off the pages of their first co-authored book, In Her Purpose: 40 Principles of Asian Women Redefining Success on Their Own Terms, for real life application. IHP is a community, culture, and a family! We offer career guidance and professional growth programs to help people reimagine how they look at their career, business, and life purpose. We are here to serve as advocates for women, to feed and fuel the future generation, and to spread love!
Connect with Rose & Jennifer