Herbalaria is proud to support LAMAVE's marine conservation efforts in the Philippines.


Large Marine Vertebrates Research Institute Philippines (“LAMAVE Research Institute”) is a Filipino non-profit organization dedicated to the research and conservation of marine megafauna and the marine environment in the Philippines. We focus our efforts on charismatic marine megafauna, using it as an umbrella species to protect the wider marine environment.

A key aspect of our work is to identify hotspots and quantify populations of species including whale sharks, turtles and manta rays. Using photo-identification we are building national catalogues for these species and identifying key habitats within the country. We compliment this work with the use technology, such as satellite and acoustic tags to help determine key habitat sites, home ranges and migratory corridors of marine species. The results are shared with governments and stakeholders, to work together to minimise impacts and develop tools for conservation management such as creating or zoning marine protected areas or advising policy. Read more about our conservation impacts.

Why the Philippines? 

The Philippines is located in the center of the Coral Triangle, the ‘global center of marine biodiversity’, an area which is home to 1000’s of marine species especially large marine megafauna.  Over 200 species of sharks and rays, 26 species of whales and dolphins, 5 species of turtles and the dugong are all found within Philippine waters. It is currently recognized as hosting the second largest population of whale sharks in the world.  However, many of these species are now listed as threatened or endangered due to a degradation of their natural environment, unregulated fishing practices, incidental capture and pollution.